
How can Raul Jauregui’s Expertise as a Lawyer Protect Our Son’s Reputation in Philadelphia?

Some people have horrific nightmares about sending a lewd and crude photograph of their genitals to the most attractive woman in their class. The consequences are obvious, though in real life, men have done horrendous acts like this and thought they’d win the woman’s heart or something on those lines. Every year you can read about at least a couple of cases like this where often somebody famous has been accused of an act like this. If anyone has used your phone to send an image like this as a prank, consult the best attorney in the shortest time possible. Can Raul Jauregui be my son’s lawyer for gender discrimination in Philadelphia? Raul Jauregui is a lawyer in Philadelphia who has made it his mission to assist and help students wrongly accused of sexual misconduct at their college or university and faced terrible consequences as a result. An expert at Title IX (discrimination in school based on your sex), Title VI (discrimination because of your color or race in school) and Titl

The Best Lawyers for School Related Harassment

  Students who are facing accusations of violating Title IX, especially violations like sexual misconduct, are not given their due process of rights. In fact, it is common that in a misguided attempt to protect victims, that the rights of the accused get trampled on. To guarantee the rights of the accused and due process, a lawyer for sexual harassment at school is needed to staunchly defend those accused of things like harassment, date rape, sexual assault, stalking, and domestic violence.   We believe that no matter how awful the claims made against an individual are, every student deserves due process and a strong defense. Far too often, those accused are unaware of their right to due process during Title IX investigations and hearings. This is what lawyers for school-related harassment take care of.   What is Title IX? Title IX was passed in the 1970’s as part of an effort to make sure female students had equal access to facilities. The courts have broadly interpreted t